"Be Better" Nutrition Guide
6.7K creator views
6.7K creator views
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This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
This guide is for anyone who has struggled with unhealthy eating habits, has tried multiple diets, or just can't find the one that consistently works for them. This guide is for anyone who has struggled with their weight, or relationship with food, and want to make a true lifestyle change.
This guide was pivotal in helping us create, manage, and maintain our 250lbs weight loss!!
We provide insight into weight gain and how our eating habits affect our bodies. Also, how we can correct the habits that we create, and begin a lifestyle that allows us to enjoy our favorite foods, but still remain healthy, fit, and active on a daily basis.
This guide will include:
A simple guide to the basics of nutrition that will help you point out the good, the bad, and the unhealthy.
How to overcome:
Stress/Emotional Eating
Food Addiction and Poor Relationships with Food
Fad Dieting and Inconsistency
How We started exercising
How We Put it All Together
A Sample Meal Plan
We are Marlon (CPT) & Camille (CNC), husband and wife team. We've managed to lose over 250lbs together. Now, our mission is to help and motivate others achieve natural weight loss and create lifestyle habits that last! Join the BeyondFit Club today for exclusive access to our latest workout programs, challenges, and more!