The PRYCELESS 8-Week Arm Split
with Corey Pryce
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This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
Inside the program, I've included my own 6 day training split + general cycle I follow over an 8-week period.
I've included the specific workouts for ARM days, where I mix up my training volume & work through a number of supersets to develop massive arms.
It's incredibly important to train your larger muscle groups as well, but I believe arm specialization is a game-changer when it comes to developing that beach-season physique.
Many people neglect their arms, so I've created this program to help you develop that crazy bicep / tricep definition.
In this program, you'll get my strength training bicep / tricep day, my endurance training bicep / tricep day, and a recommended schedule for training each week.
My favorite part of this training is the variation in angles / range of motion to really optimize for hypertrophy / muscle growth.
Excited to see you on the inside!
**This program does NOT include specific exercise recommendations for the non-arms days. It specifically focuses on the 2 arm days / week.
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