I started these challenges because I want you to feel exactly how I feel: To become confident within yourself and to love yourself... To love the parts of you that you can build and change... To learn that you are in complete control of your body. My goal is to build you both physically, mentally, and emotionally so that you become a powerhouse of your own and accomplish all of your goals! I have been training now for almost 15 years which has led me to accomplish things that I didn’t think were even possible. Becoming the first IFBB physique pro in history, winning the first ever Ms. Physique Olympia, being featured on several magazine covers, having my own training column, owning my own gym, clothing line, supplement line, and even making it on America Ninja Warrior. Some of these achievements still seem crazy to me. But with lifting and becoming confident in myself, everything I ever set out for (and some) I have accomplished. I want to help you accomplish any and all of your goals, one workout at a time!