Quad Mommy Strength Program
with Dayna Elwood
This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
"A year difference in both pics but how did I do it? EAT. EAT YOUR CARBS. EAT YOUR PROTEIN. EAT ENOUGH CALORIES. fueling your body is so so important and the only way your properly going to put on muscle, recover & grow in all areas!!! LIFT HEAVY. This doesn’t mean lift too heavy to the point your form is off and potentially hurt yourself. BUT….don’t underestimate what you can do. If your repping 12-15 reps during certain exercises mainly compounds, it’s time to up the weight…challenge yourself; it shouldn’t be easy 24/7!!! BE CONSISTENT. Seems simple but can easily be thrown off when you aren’t see results fast enough. Trust the process. Trust the uncomfortable days & trust that motivation isn’t always going to be there. So? It’s time to show up & grind out!!!"
"Let’s talk body recomp!!!! Around the same weight in both. Seems a bit different right? Just to prove that the scale means shiiiii. Of course it’s a good tool to track progress but shouldn’t scare you when numbers go up as you continue weight training and fueling your body more aka bulking phase. Body recomp in a nutshell: getting leaner; building muscle; changing your body’s composition by bf%. Instead of fully focused on the number on the scale…. start taking progress photos, videos & different measurements. Everybody is different and how there body reacts to different things. So if your the person afraid to put on the weight, here is to show you weight can look so different depending on your body fat% vs Muscle. Train hard. Fuel your body. Trust the progress. Stay consistent."
"I don’t know who needs to hear this but working out is not a punishment for when you “had a cheat meal” “was up on the scale” “took an extra rest day” or what ever the case may be. Working out is a privilege. It’s an opportunity to focus on nothing but yourself. I get to workout. I get to bodybuilding. I get to lift heavy. I get to eat out. I got supportive friends and family. I got to graduate. I have a roof over my head. I have food to fuel my body. I have good workouts. I have bad workouts. I have good body image days and I have bad ones. I am blessed to move my body everyday and not use physical activity as a punishment for the way I look or the food I ate. I love my body in all stages regardless what a number says on a stupid scale."
This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
This program focuses on the legggies but more specifically the quads as this is my personal specialty. It is based on the journey from my trials and errors to now having developed the best formula for maximum quad growth. This program includes everything I have ever done to get to where I am today specially the leg growth I have grown after being super underweight, there is a bonus guide on the nutrition aspect of training that helped me put on 30+lbs of mass. Muscle Mommy season!!! Let’s get to work.
Program Contents:
A year difference in both pics but how did I do it? EAT. EAT YOUR CARBS. EAT YOUR PROTEIN. EAT ENOUGH CALORIES. fueling your body is so so important and the only way your properly going to put on muscle, recover & grow in all areas!!! LIFT HEAVY. This doesn’t mean lift too heavy to the point your form is off and potentially hurt yourself. BUT….don’t underestimate what you can do. If your repping 12-15 reps during certain exercises mainly compounds, it’s time to up the weight…challenge yourself; it shouldn’t be easy 24/7!!! BE CONSISTENT. Seems simple but can easily be thrown off when you aren’t see results fast enough. Trust the process. Trust the uncomfortable days & trust that motivation isn’t always going to be there. So? It’s time to show up & grind out!!!
Let’s talk body recomp!!!! Around the same weight in both. Seems a bit different right? Just to prove that the scale means shiiiii. Of course it’s a good tool to track progress but shouldn’t scare you when numbers go up as you continue weight training and fueling your body more aka bulking phase. Body recomp in a nutshell: getting leaner; building muscle; changing your body’s composition by bf%. Instead of fully focused on the number on the scale…. start taking progress photos, videos & different measurements. Everybody is different and how there body reacts to different things. So if your the person afraid to put on the weight, here is to show you weight can look so different depending on your body fat% vs Muscle. Train hard. Fuel your body. Trust the progress. Stay consistent.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but working out is not a punishment for when you “had a cheat meal” “was up on the scale” “took an extra rest day” or what ever the case may be. Working out is a privilege. It’s an opportunity to focus on nothing but yourself. I get to workout. I get to bodybuilding. I get to lift heavy. I get to eat out. I got supportive friends and family. I got to graduate. I have a roof over my head. I have food to fuel my body. I have good workouts. I have bad workouts. I have good body image days and I have bad ones. I am blessed to move my body everyday and not use physical activity as a punishment for the way I look or the food I ate. I love my body in all stages regardless what a number says on a stupid scale.
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