This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
"Just here to remind you that it’s possible if you work hard and stay consistent. It won’t happen overnight but the difference comes on those day you lack motivation but your discipline keeps you going. Make hard work a habit.👏🏾💪🏾 I don’t feel like working out every time that I do, but I know what it takes to reach my goal so I persist. And that goes for anything in life. Get up and get after it."
This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
Start date May 20th, 2024
End date June 16th, 2024
Requires access to gym to achieve best results
Open to participants worldwide
I'm so excited to announce my Summer Shape Up Challenge! This 4-week plan is primarily focused on growing your glutes while losing fat!
You can expect 4 weeks of great workouts with video demos for every movement...and the best part - a community for us to hang out & support each other!
Are you ready to commit to yourself & your goals before summer?
✔️ Grow your glutes while losing fat!
✔️ Requires access to gym to achieve best results
✔️ Video demonstrations for every movement
✔️ Sets, reps, & exercise guidance
✔️ Private community for support & accountability (let's hang out!)
✔️ Mobile app access
✔️ Unlimited access to challenge (one-time purchase for lifetime access)
Once you've registered, make sure you READ THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION INSIDE THE PLATFORM for directions on how to proceed!
Start date May 20th, 2024
End date June 16th, 2024
Requires access to gym to achieve best results
Open to participants worldwide
Just here to remind you that it’s possible if you work hard and stay consistent. It won’t happen overnight but the difference comes on those day you lack motivation but your discipline keeps you going. Make hard work a habit.👏🏾💪🏾 I don’t feel like working out every time that I do, but I know what it takes to reach my goal so I persist. And that goes for anything in life. Get up and get after it.
Join my exclusive community and get access to all of my latest courses, content, & sessions. Take part in community chats and meet friends in this wonderful community. We'll bring you great content and more!