Kyle Axman membership landing page
Kyle Axman membership landing page

Kyle Axman

All-Access On-Demand

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Your Access Includes

  • Unlimited access to on-demand classes
  • Upper Body, Abs & Ass, Full Body Classes
  • 50+ class recordings

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This subscription is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

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Kyle is the founding trainer and talent manager of Rumble Training (Rumble Boxing's second concept), a treadmill/strength bootcamp in NYC and SF as well as Rumble TV, Rumble's Digital Platform. Kyle is a founding trainer at Stryde, an at-home indoor cycling platform as well as Swerve, a new platform that streams spin classes into big box gyms. Before Rumble, Kyle taught at Flywheel Sports for 3 years and was a founder of Flywheel's at-home platform, Flywheel On Demand. Kyle is a Zoot-Sports-sponsored triathlete and runner who received podium finishes in Olympic Triathlons, completed Ironman 70.3 and ran a 3 hour marathon. He is the New York community captain for Rhone, a mens lifestyle brand. When he's not pounding the fitness pavement, Kyle is a professional actor seen in national commercials, voiceovers, TV, and off-broadway plays. He is blessed to have the opportunity to make a difference in peoples' lives through his love for endurance sports and cross training. His class consists of 45 minutes of HIIT & Strength, fully equipped with all the bangerz to rock out to!

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