Big 3 DUP
with Tereance Lynch
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This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
What is D.U.P:
Daily undulating periodization is a method of training that helps you to get stronger week by week, month by month. This method of training may be more useful for those who traditionally train in a linear progression targeting muscle groups once per week.
That is not to say that beginners cannot benefit from a D.U.P program, because ANYONE can do it.
Why D.U.P:
Ok, to be fair you can still get stronger and larger muscles following a once-a-week training protocol:
Monday – Back & Biceps
Tuesday – Chest & Triceps
Wednesday – Off
Thursday – Legs
Friday – Shoulders
Saturday – Cardio, Calves, Forearms & Abs
Sunday – Off
What is amazing is that you have the potential to make even more progress by targeting the same muscle group multiple times per week!
Monday – Upper body (strength focused)
Tuesday – Lower body (strength focused)
Wednesday – Off
Thursday – Upper body (hypertrophy focused)
Friday – Off
Saturday – Lower body (hypertrophy focused)
Sunday – Off
If you are concerned about overtraining -the idea of training to frequently that causes you to “burn out”- know that overtraining occurs due to a multitude of factors -i.e., work stress, injury, sickness, sleep, nutrition, etc.- and not just resistance training alone.
Therefore, if you have created a descent work/life balance the stress of resistance training should be manageable.
The real magic come from the increased rate of muscle protein synthesis (MPS). Generally, when we train, local MPS increases dramatically for the next 24 hours and then begins to decline returning to baseline around the third day post training. Training again before you are fully recovered allows for yet another increase in MPS, plus you will become more skilled at the movements because you will be performing them more often. The goal is to train as frequently as possible (not daily, as that will increase the risk of overtraining) while still getting stronger and not overly sore. You will likely be sore going into days 2, 3 and maybe 4 of training but the body will adapt, and the soreness will be less intense.
How to Use the Template:
This template was designed for those with some lifting experience looking to increase their strength. Please do not follow this program unless you have solid form with the movements programed -barbell: bench, squats, and deadlifts- because the weights used will be based on your personal 2 rep maxes (2RM). And if you do not have the greatest technique yet it is better to not load up as much weight as possible with suboptimal form.
Once you find out your 2RM simply plug in the numbers to the template and your working weights will be calculated for you.
Every day starts off with a strength focused lift, the second lift will be challenging but less taxing as the focus is less on strength (lower weights used) and more on hypertrophy (increasing muscle volume), the third lift will be power focused (similar loads to hypertrophy and emphasizes movement speed without sacrificing form)
W1D1 – Strength Squat W1D2 – Strength Deadlift W1D3 – Strength Bench
W2D1 – Strength Squat W2D2 – Strength Deadlift W2D3 – Strength Bench
W3D1 – Strength Squat W3D2 – Strength Deadlift W3D3 – Strength Bench
W4D1 – Strength Squat W4D2 – Strength Deadlift W4D3 – Strength Bench
W5D1 – Strength Squat W5D2 – Strength Deadlift W5D3 – Strength Bench
W6D1 – Strength Squat W6D2 – Strength Deadlift W6D3 – Strength Bench
The first 2 weeks will not be too difficult (it will be the lightest weight relative to your max) but be patient and do not increase the weights so readily if you feel that load is not challenging enough. By the third week the weights will begin to pose more of a challenge.
IF you choose to do more than what is programmed, complete all of the programmed movements first and be sure that an extra work does not interfere with the next day’s goal. This program is best followed on an every-other-day basis (i.e., Mon, Wed, Fri) and using the weekend as rest for the coming Monday heavy squat day. Tuesday and Friday can be used for low to moderate effort cardio training. AND KNOW THAT EXCESSIVE CARDIO MAY DELAY AND EVEN LIMIT STRENGTH PROGRESSION, therefore it would be wise to limit cardio training to a moderate effort no more than 30 minutes.
Join Coach T and the MBM Family and get access to all of my latest workouts, programs, recovery videos, on-demand classes (Live coming soon), and health vlogs (coming soon)! I have a degree in kinesiology (studying human movement) from UMD and have been a certified personal trainer/strength coach for about 10 years. And a nutrition coach for the past three. My passion is to learn, teach, coach, and empower the world to live their expression of "My Best Me" and give people the power to have a healthy mind, body and spirit. Forever changing our current paradigm of how we view health and what it looks like to be healthy. Take part in community chats and meet friends in and around your city. We'll bring you great content, Q&As, and more! Watch to learn how to save MBM Fitness as a home screen icon on your iPhone: Safari: Chrome: