This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
Shred & Tone is a 30 day online workout experience designed to simultaneously shed the fat while toning your body. I have currently been on my own personal fitness journey for almost 7 years now and I am honored to share everything I've learned along the way to assist you in simplifying your own journey.
Through trial and error the greatest lesson I've learned is that to successfully transform your body, you MUST transform your mind! So I present to you my first ever online workout experience: This will be the first of it's kind because the workbook is interactive! yes, you read that correctly! I expect you to become one with this program as I have daily tasks for you that require you to sit down every day and check in with yourself.
Not to spoil too much because it's so good! this is what you will expect with this program:
• Easy to Follow along video demonstrations
• Meal Guide + Suggested Meal Plan
• Daily Water Intake Chart
• Journal Workbook Entries (Morning and Evening)
• Interactive Workbook Pages (Compatible with iphone, ipad, and print)
• Motivational Quotes
• Facebook Community
• Gallery to document before and after photos for each week
• Accountability
I hope this program finds you in a motivated spirit as I’m setting you up for total body success! Mind, Body and Soul! Thank You for your support, always!
Sajie Jay
The information presented here does not constitute any health or medical advice. Please seek advice from your healthcare provider or doctor for your particular health concerns before changing your healthcare routine or relying on this information. These are just our personal opinions.
By participating in this program you acknowledge your health conditions, and release Sajie Jay Fitness, LLC from liability of any injury or illness which may occur while participating in this program or prepping for meals.
All rights are reserved and in no way should be duplicated, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in ANY form by any means. This includes but is not limited to electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise.
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