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Stefi Cohen
Stefi Cohen

The Fitness Fortuneteller 6 Week Challenge: See Your Strength, Prevent Your Injuries

with Stefi Cohen

Solin Guarantee

This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

Your Access Includes

  • 6-week challenge strategically designed to help transform, get stronger, and become someone who doesn't settle for mediocrity!
  • Gym-based workout plan, in-app video demos, community group chat, & more!
  • Challenge starts Oct 7th, 2024 (one-time purchase for lifetime access) // Exciting prizes for the best transformation
Solin Guarantee

This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

Challenge Highlights

challenge highlights from creator

From Stefi


Start date: October 7, 2024

End date: November 17, 2024

Open to participants worldwide

Gym access recommended to achieve best results

You'll get immediate access to the app + community. The challenge will begin on October 7th!

Welcome to the 6-Week Power & Protection Challenge!

You aren't just signing up for a workout program. This challenge will help you become someone different. Someone stronger. Someone who doesn’t settle for mediocrity!

Over the next few weeks, you’re going to face moments of doubt, discomfort, and maybe even feel the urge to quit. That’s normal. It’s also exactly where the growth happens.

Those moments? They’re your edge. Push through them, and you’ll start operating on a level most people never reach.

Here’s the truth: Everyone wants results, but not everyone is willing to do the work. The fact that you’re here means you’ve already separated yourself from the crowd.

Now it’s time to make good on that decision.

Stay consistent. Hold yourself accountable. And remember—you’re not just doing this for today’s version of you. You’re doing it for the person you’re about to become.

Let’s get to work!

💪 Training Split

This challenge is a 6 week challenge, training 5 days / week. Below is the weekly training split:

  • Monday - XYZ

  • Tuesday - XYZ 

  • Wednesday - XYZ

  • Thursday - XYZ 

  • Friday - XYZ

  • Saturday - XYZ 

  • Sunday - XYZ 

🚀 Challenge Goals

  • More strength without the injury risk: Lift the proper way, with the proper programming so that you are staying balanced

  • Physical transformation: Become stronger, safer, fitter in just 6 weeks

  • Mental transformation: Learn to push past your limits, to push yourself to get better every day. Not every day will be a perfect day, but every day we will get the work done

  • Community integration: It takes a village. Come join our community where you will get motivated, receive inspiration, and have support when you get knocked down


✔️ 6 weeks of evidence-based gym workouts

✔️ Video demos for each exercise

✔️ Detailed sets, reps, & exercise guidance

✔️ Private community for support & accountability (let's hang out!)

✔️ Mobile app access (iPhone & Android apps)

✔️ Unlimited access to challenge (one-time purchase for lifetime access)


🏆 Exciting prizes for the best transformation


Bonus 1: NEW specialized weights tracking feature to track your progress

Bonus 2: Cardio recommendations

Bonus 3: 50% off Solin Ultimate Nutrition Guide



By purchasing now, you will get immediate access to the challenge mobile app, private community, & welcome area.

Leading up until October 7th, we will all be hanging out in the community, introducing ourselves, and motivating each other.

On October 4th (3 days before our start date), the workout program will be released in your app. We will all begin the workouts together on October 7th, and you will be able to track your sets, reps, weights, & progress in the app.

You will also keep lifetime access to the app & the community, so you can repeat the program as many times as you'd like.

If you would like to participate for some big prizes (which will be announced mid-September), you will upload 3 before pictures (front, side, back) by October 11th, 2024 and 3 after pictures by November 22nd, 2024.

The instructions for these pictures will be directly in your app. (Note: this is totally optional. If you don't want to compete for prizes, you do not need to upload your transformation photos!)

If you have any questions at all, shoot my team an email at and they will help you out :)

I can't wait to see you on the inside!

Start date: October 7, 2024

End date: November 17, 2024

Gym access recommended to achieve best results

You'll get immediate access to the app + community. The challenge will begin on October 7th!

Stefi Cohen

Learn More

Stefi Cohen is a 25x world record-holding powerlifter and the first woman in the history of the sport to deadlift over 4.5 times her body weight.
But there is much more to her story than lifting, lifting is her first competitive love but you will see her love for competition shine in every sport or physical feet that she tackles. She's also a DPT, doctor of physical therapy, and exercise physiologist. She's passionate about education and bringing you a NO BS evidence-based view of all things training and nutrition.

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