This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
"VJ is the absolute man. Have always loved his training programs & tips. Can't wait for this challenge!"
"I've used VJ's training protocols for a long time. Whether I'm trying to bulk up or shred, his programming & nutrition tips are always on point!!"
"VJ! Thank you brother for EVERYTHING! I've been a changed man ever since I did your Strategic Shredz... I have so much more confidence now! I've still got work to do but know I'm going to get there if I keep following your programs!"
This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
✔️ $47 (50% discount)
✔️ 4-week shredding challenge
(Nov. 29 - Dec. 27)
✔️ LIVE Weekly Q&As
✔️ $700 worth of prizes
✔️ FIRST PRIZE: 30-minute one-on-one Q&A with me + 2 free entries (invite a friend) into my New Year's challenge ($300 value)
✔️ OTHER PRIZES: 4 additional winners will get free entry into my New Year's challenge ($100 value each)
✔️ Meal guidance
✔️ Grocery list & favorites
✔️ Daily energy needs, macros explained
✔️ Supplements explained
✔️ Helpful fitness tips
✔️ Diet hacks
✔️ Cardio recommendations & explanation
✔️ Let's get ready for that New Years Eve celebration.. the work starts now!
✔️ 5 Day Split (3 Upper Body, 2 Lower Body)
✔️ 4 Weeks Long
✔️ Standard Gym Equipment is Required
The 4-Week Holiday Shred Challenge is a 4 week challenge designed to help you cut fat over the holidays. It is perfect for anybody trying to look & feel their best for the New Year.
Over the next 4 weeks, I'll provide a 5-day training split + nutritional / supplement guidance + LIVE weekly Q&As.
The challenge will be starting November 29th, with all of us following the same workout schedule through December 27, 2021. If you can't follow along with that exact schedule, that's okay too - you can go at your own pace.
The 1st place winner gets a 30 minute one-on-one Zoom session with me as well as free access for you + a friend to my next challenge ($300 value). 4 additional winners will get free access to my next challenge as well ($100 value each).
If you want to gift this challenge to a friend, please create your account & purchase with the email address of the intended “gift” recipient and reach out directly to my team - - with the subject line: “4-Week Holiday Shred Gift”
VJ is the absolute man. Have always loved his training programs & tips. Can't wait for this challenge!
I've used VJ's training protocols for a long time. Whether I'm trying to bulk up or shred, his programming & nutrition tips are always on point!!
VJ! Thank you brother for EVERYTHING! I've been a changed man ever since I did your Strategic Shredz... I have so much more confidence now! I've still got work to do but know I'm going to get there if I keep following your programs!
Join my exclusive community and get access to all of my latest courses, content, & live sessions. Take part in community chats and meet friends in and around your city. We'll bring you great content, Q&As, and more!